A SEX offender was caught deleting his internet search history in defiance of a court’s orders after being caught having illegal intercourse with a 14-year-old girl.

Freddie Pritchard, 26, was ordered not to delete his search history from any device as part of a punishment for engaging in sexual activity with the girl in Ayrshire on various occasions between June 4 and July 16, 2020.

But Pritchard, of River View. Stair, admitted restoring the factory settings on his mobile phone number and deleting all of his internet history on May 12 last year.

Pritchard had admitted kissing the girl, removing her clothing and having sex with her while she was too young to give her consent.

He later contacted the same girl by email on various occasions on July 26, 2020 – having been made the subject of a bail order at Ayr Sheriff Court nine days earlier.

At the same court last week, sentence on Pritchard for the breach of the order was deferred and his bail was continued.

Pritchard will return to court for sentencing on the order breach at a later date.

To report criminal activity in Ayrshire, call Police Scotland on 101. In an emergency, always dial 999.