AYRSHIRE MPs Allan Dorans and Alan Brown both have participation rates in the House of Commons below the UK average for politicians, new data has revealed – but both say that is because, like all SNP MPs, they only vote on matters that affect Scotland.

Recent data has revealed how much of a contribution each MP makes to the chamber.

The figures, from the House of Commons Library, show the activities of MPs between the state opening of Parliament on December 16, 2019 and March 7 this year.

Of the 491 votes over this time, Allan Dorans, recorded 273 ayes or noes, and acted as a teller to count three divisions. Alan Brown recorded 321 ayes or noes, and acted as a teller to count one division.

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Mr Dorans recorded no vote, or abstained, on 215 occasions – giving the SNP representative a participation rate of 56 per cent. Mr Brown recorded no vote, or abstained, 169 times, a participation rate of 66 per cent.

Both agreed on the reasoning of this participation level, while both vowed to continue raising their voices for the benefit of their constituents and Scotland.

Mr Dorans said: “The SNP in accordance with an agreed parliamentary protocol only vote on matters which affect Scotland.

“We do not vote on matters which affect only England,Wales or Norther Ireland.

“I do not have the exact figures for the number of these votes which have taken place, but if you consider the number of votes on the Covid Regulations, NHS England, Social Care and Social Work in England, Education, Criminal laws which affect England only, Building Standards (especially post Grenfell) and the huge spectrum of other matters in which we were excluded from voting on, then I can say that the vast, vast majority of times I did not vote were on England-only matters.

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“I can also say with some confidence that I probably voted on about 95 per cent of matters on which the SNP voted which affected Scotland.”

Mr Brown added: “The reason my voting participation is below the Westminster average is that, as with all SNP MPs, we do not vote on matters which do not concern Scotland.

“I know a lot of people have a preconceived idea of MPs but I certainly give 100 per cent for my constituents and a lot of my spoken contributions are constituent cases.

“I do not like to make promises in my job, but I can assure you I will continue to work as hard as I can and carry out the job I was elected to do.”