A CENTURY and a half of bowls in Catrine has been marked with the official opening of the village club’s green for the new season – and there’s plenty more planned to mark the milestone anniversary.

Officially opened back in 1872, Catrine Bowling Club has been a hub for the community ever since.

To mark the special occasion, members are planning a host of celebrations throughout the year, including more matches against local clubs, as well as celebratory nights.

Cumnock Chronicle: Preparing to playPreparing to play

Irene Robertson, whose son William Farrell is the club’s president in its anniversary year, was given the honour of throwing the first bowls of the season on the club’s green – while former local councillor David Shaw, who represented the area on East Ayrshire Council until 2017, was also present to join in the celebrations.

And a celebration night was held at the club on Saturday to get the club’s special year going with a swing.

Paul Winning, a member of the CBC committee, spoke to the Chronicle about the excitement of being part of the club’s big year and the importance of marking the occasion.

Cumnock Chronicle: And they're offAnd they're off

He said: “It’s amazing to see the club in such a special year and to see some of the celebrations we’ve had already.

“Last week we had a great day with 30 other members from clubs across Ayrshire coming to celebrate with us.

“I think it’s only right that we celebrate this properly because it’s something be proud of.

“We’ve got a lot of stuff planned for the coming year to mark this occasion.

“I think everyone that’s currently involved in the club just now can feel how special a year this is, because the club has been such an important factor in Catrine for so long.

“We’ve got club members who have dedicated 30 and 40 years of service to the club to make it what it is today, so it’s important they get the recognition they deserve as well.

“What’s also good is that we’ve come out of the lockdown and we’ve managed to hold on to some funding and we’ve just renovated the inside of the clubhouse, so that’s looking great as well.

Cumnock Chronicle: A special occasion A special occasion

“I’ve lived in Catrine all of my life and I joined the committee about six or seven years ago.

“For as long as I can remember, the club has been a real pillar of the community.

“What’s most pleasing for me is that club tries to be a community hub and move away from that feeling that you used to get from some bowling clubs where it was a bit cliquey.

“For a long while now we’ve given the hall out free of charge for anyone who wants to use it for an anniversary or birthday party etc.

“It’s important to stick by the community, and we’re looking forward to more celebrations.”