Superhero Lochlan Murdoch has been continuing his incredible work to get supplies to those who most need them in Ukraine.

The Lochlan’s Legacy charity team have been working tirelessly to get all types of supplies for people who have type 1 diabetes and are caught up in the invasion of Ukraine.

Since reporting on the charity’s incredible efforts last week, they have now been made aware that one of their vans full of supplies has reached people in need at one of the refugee camps in Poland.

Cumnock Chronicle: Lochlan helps pack the vanLochlan helps pack the van

The work hasn’t stopped there, as they are still taking on supplies at pick-up points across the country, with help still coming from all corners of Scotland.

They are hoping that another collection of supplies can be sent out this week.

Although they have taken on all kinds of supplies such as clothes, blankets and food, Lochlan’s Legacy are focusing on the help they can provide people with type 1 diabetes and are continuing to look for donations of Insulin pens, syringes, blood testing strips and much.

READ MORE: Lochlan's Legacy supporting people in Ukraine

They are in the process of linking up with other groups so that the other donations can also reach their most needed place.

Since our report last week, Lochlan has also been a busy bee on top of his school work.

He has been the star of a news feature on STV, talking about his great work.

Cumnock Chronicle: Lochlan’s support from Speedy Freight EdinburghLochlan’s support from Speedy Freight Edinburgh

As well as this, he has also made the final three of the Young Scot Awards 2022 in the unsung hero category.

All of this has made mum Lesley even more proud of her son’s work every day, and she knows he is determined to keep the good work going.

Lesley said: “I’m honestly so over the moon with everything he [Lochlan] has been doing.

READ MORE: Lochlan's legacy celebrates 100 years of insulin

“He’s so aware of everything that’s going on and I think that’s what makes him even more determined to help out whenever he can.

“I’ve said to him and he’s said to me that we’ll keep trying to take on supplies as much as we can and until someone actually tells us to stop.

What an honour.Our wee Lochlan has made the final 3 of the Sunday Mail Young Scot Awards2022. Lochlan is nominated in...

Posted by Lochlan's Legacy on Sunday, 13 March 2022

“Like I said before, this doesn’t look like it’s going away any time soon, so why would we stop now.

“The support we’ve had and continue to get has been incredible and we’re so grateful for it.

“The hard work Lochlan has been putting in, coupled with him being nominated for this award really is special.

Cumnock Chronicle: Donations are on the roadDonations are on the road

“Something like this helps him see how much good work he is doing and sometimes we need a little pat on the back and a boost just to show that it’s all worth it.

“He knows how much good work he’s doing and I honestly can’t explain how proud of him I am.

“If anyone is still looking to donate anything, keep an eye on our Facebook for any updates.”