A JOINT Inspection of adult support and protection measures in East Ayrshire has found clear strengths in ensuring adults at risk of harm are safe, protected and supported.

However it also identified areas for improvement.

Inspectors from the Care Inspectorate carried out an inspection in East Ayrshire between March 2021 and June 2021 as part of a new series of inspections which intend to provide assurance about local partnership areas’ effective operation of adult support and protection processes.

Inspectors looked at health, police, and social work records of adults at risk of harm. They say they found that adults at risk of harm were safer as a result of the collaborative support and protection they received. Adult support and protection was a partnership priority, and leaders had a clear and cohesive vision which was well articulated in key strategic documents.   

Staff from across the partnership had a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities in relation to adult support and protection and collaborative working between key strategic partners was strong.

However it was reported that improved communication between strategic leads and frontline staff across key partners will support better understanding and application of policy, procedures, and change management. 

The inspection also found that the partnership quality assurance framework was limited and did not accurately reflect critical elements of adult support and protection practice.  Revision and ongoing oversight by the Adult Protection Committee and Chief Officers Group are required to aid improvement, the report said.

The partnership will now prepare a joint improvement plan.