The Coalfields Regeneration Trust (CRT), the charity that supports local initiatives to improve health and employment prospects for people across the country’s mining communities, has welcomed ongoing funding from the Scottish Government.

Tom Arthur, MSP, has confirmed government funding of £750,000 for the Kincardine-based charity to deliver its 2021/2022 programme.

CRT says the funding will help it continue to tackle the issues that impact its communities - such as higher than average unemployment, many children living in poverty and poor health - many of which have been exacerbated by COVID-19 and lockdown measures.

A report commissioned by CRT from consultants Social Value Lab, and published before the pandemic, found that almost a third of coalfield neighbourhoods were in the most deprived 20 per cent of Scotland.

The pandemic has had a major impact on coalfield areas, such as negative effects on finances and physical and mental health and wellbeing, according to CRT.

During the pandemic CRT has supported communities in a range of ways, including its Coalfields Emergency Response Fund, partnering with charity Glasgow Caring City to get soap to people across the country to slow the spread of coronavirus, and its Adapt and Thrive Programme.

CRT is calling on politicians from all parties to consider the needs of Scotland’s coalfield communities when MSPs take their seats in their constituencies after the summer recess.

Nicky Wilson, chair of the Coalfields Regeneration Trust in Scotland, said: “We would like to thank the Scottish Government for its ongoing support in helping us tackle social and economic issues that continue to impact many former mining areas.

“Over the past year we have worked with our communities to address problems, such as unemployment and health, that have been exacerbated by the pandemic and we will continue to do so.”

CRT has welcomed a new Head of Operations for Scotland, Stuart Douglas. Stuart joins CRT with over 30 years’ experience in various third, public and community sector roles.

Stuart Douglas said: “I’m pleased that the Scottish Government is continuing to support the work of the organisation and understand the challenges faced by these communities as they seek to regenerate economically.

“I look forward to working with CRT to influence local, national and UK policy to have positive outcomes that improve social justice for coalfield communities across Scotland. Building on the great work that has come before me, I hope to bring new and additional resources to coalfield communities and work to support areas that have been affected significantly by the pandemic.”