The Care Inspectorate paid an unannounced visit to Netherthird Early Childhood Centre recently and they’ve posted a report of their findings up on their website.

The visit was conducted on Monday, May 24, with the results published last week.

It was a focused inspection to evaluate how well children were being supported during the COVID-19 pandemic.

They evaluated the service based on key areas that are vital to the support and wellbeing of children experiencing care during the pandemic.

It was good news for the team at Netherthird ECC as the inspectors found that their care and support was ‘Good’, they got a 4 out of 6.

The report states: “Children experienced warm, caring and nurturing interactions from staff who ensured their personal care needs were met.

“Where children required reassurance or support with their emotional wellbeing due to the changes as the result of COVID-19, staff are responsive to this and worked closely with families to promote children’s security within the setting. Effective communication with families enables responsive care to support children through changing circumstances.”

And with regard to preventing transmission of the virus in the setting, they said: “Children were protected as staff took necessary precautions to prevent the spread of infection. Clear policies, procedures and risk assessments were in place and were regularly reviewed to ensure a consistent approach to infection control.”

Only two things were marked areas for improvement: “(a) Monitor staff practice to ensure staff are implementing COVID-19 best practice guidance within the service, and (b) Carry out a detailed audit, reviewing infection control practice across the service to ensure compliance with Health Protection Scotland guidance.”