Auchinleck INDOOR Bowling Club have set out plans for reopening following a management committee meeting held on Monday, August 17 where members agreed on the conditions by which members and visitors could return to indoor bowling.

The management committee have agreed to postpone the start date of all leagues, with the new provisional opening date being Monday, August 31, with booking of green space.

Before then, the committee envisage playing last season’s quarter finals, semi finals and finals for representation in national competitions for season 2020-21.

In terms of fees, the committee wish to keep the same rates of membership fees and rink fees at this time, although fees may be reviewed after Christmas depending on membership numbers and league entries.

Under the continual guidance from the Scottish Indoor Bowling Association regarding Scottish League matches, all players old and new across Ladies, Gents and Seniors teams are invited to attend a meeting within the club on Monday, August 24 at 7pm under social distancing rules.

If anyone is unable to attend they are advised to telephone the club or send a message to the Secretary.

Due to COVID-19, the management committee have also agreed to change the date of the AGM from August 19 to Wednesday, September 2 at 7pm.

It is hoped that this meeting will be held within the club subject to social distancing measures. The committee hope to see as many members in attendance as possible.

If you wish to place an entry for leagues, phone 01290 423955

For further information, you can contact the club via their Facebook page

The club is very much looking forward to welcoming players back soon.