THE 100-YEAR history of Cumnock Juniors has been told in a new book which will be on the must-buy list of all Nock fans.

Titled, simply, 'The Juniors: The Story of Cumnock Football Club’, the book has been painstakingly researched and written over an 18-month period by local author Ian McMurdo.

It takes the reader on what the back cover describes as a 'fascinating rollercoaster ride’ through 330 pages of text and 64 photographs.

Ian interviewed more than 100 local worthies and pored over countless official records, newspaper back copies and personal testimonies from a huge range of people.

The result is a fasinating read laden with stories and quotes from former star players, club officials, formidable opponents, well-known referees, the volunteers working behind the scenes, the real “characters” in the game, and of course Cumnock Juniors’ famously partisan supporters themselves.

Ian said: “Each and every one of them had their own story to tell.

“You name it and it’s in this book. Whether it was about their favourite pulsating cup-tie, the stonewall penalty that the referee just waved away, the sensational 30-yard last-minute winner, the 10,000 fans crammed together like sardines on the famous old “bing”, the riotous tales on the buses home, the gut-wrenching defeat or the sweet smell of glorious victory, it’s in there.

“This is the story of one of the most famous junior football clubs in the country, and I’ve tried to tell it through the eyes of those who were actually there. I’m sure it will make the Cumnock supporters feel very proud just to have been part of this great club, and while it might bring the odd tear to the eye, I hope it will make them laugh as well.” Billy 'Bongo’ Smith, one of the finest and most popular Cumnock Juniors’ players of all time, is very excited about the book’s release.

He said: “I’m really looking forward to it coming out. The Juniors have had a very long and distinguished history, and it’s terrific that our centenary is now being celebrated in a professionally produced, full-length book. I can’t wait to re-live the great local derbies and explosive cup-ties of the past, since I’m so proud to have been involved as a player.” Bobby McCulloch, the thumping heartbeat and skipper of the two fine Cumnock sides that went on to capture Scottish Cup glory in both 1979 and 1989, has been phoning Ian on an almost daily basis to find out when he can finally get his hands on a copy.

He said: “I can’t wait to read it, and to live the great days all over again. Cumnock Juniors have always meant so much to me and to my family. All I ever wanted was to be remembered by the Juniors’ supporters in the same vein as my late dad, Maxie, who was probably the greatest Cumnock player of all time. I’m desperate to get hold of this book!” “The Juniors”, published by Carn Publishing and priced £14, will be available in early November from Waterstones and a range of local retailers throughout Ayrshire, including Cumnock’s own Costcutter’s and Donsport.

Copies will be available direct from Cumnock Juniors through its social club.

The book can also be ordered online, both direct from the publisher at and through Amazon.