It will come as bad news to all of us that Cumnock’s last Bank of Scotland branch closed last week.

And that follows the trend that we’ve seen across Scotland – with the number of bank branches across the country falling rapidly.

The Bank of Scotland have said that they’re closing the branch because the number of customers has fallen.

Other banks have said that they are responding to the needs of businesses and consumers who now do their banking online, rather than at a branch.

READ MORE: Cumnock's last bank branch to close its doors for the final time

And it’s true that so many of us use online banking these days.

Yet, decisions taken to close the branch take this choice away from local people. It makes it more difficult for residents to deposit money and withdraw cash for free in towns like Cumnock.

Back when the Bank of Scotland made this announcement, I had a meeting with them to express my deep concerns.

In response, I was told that a Banking Hub would be set up.

The final bank branch has now closed.The final bank branch has now closed. (Image: NQ Archive)

This Banking Hub is run by the Post Office and it has been up and running now in Cumnock’s library since May.

It gives local residents the option to use services from all the major high-street banks, with specialist advisors from these banks available on different days of the week.

While this provides some level of service to local residents – it doesn’t compare to the Bank of Scotland branch that has just closed, where specialist advisors were available far more regularly.

Local people – especially disabled residents and elderly residents – depend on quick and reliable access to banking.

READ MORE: Cumnock banking hub opens in preparation for final branch closure

And it’s these vulnerable groups in our communities who rely on local branches all the more often now that phone and internet scams have become more common.

The same can be said for small businesses here in Cumnock, who may now have less ability to manage cash flow and have to travel further afield for banking services on the days that their advisors aren’t at the Banking Hub.

That’s why I will continue to engage with the Bank of Scotland and other relevant stakeholders to see what additional services can be provided beyond the Banking Hub – to make sure that all local residents have reliable access to their money.

I hope that the Bank of Scotland and the Post Office will listen to concerns expressed by local residents here in Cumnock and I will continue to raise this with them as the Banking Hub looks to find a permanent location to provide its services.