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The Town & Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997
The Town & Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (as amended) / The Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2013
Notice of Pre-Application Consultation Public Event published under Regulation 7(2) -Pre-Application Reference - 16/0007/PREAPP
Description of Development:
New Learning and Enterprise Campus (approximately 22,000m2 Gross Internal Floor Area), incorporating: Nursery, Additional Special Needs, Primary and Secondary School buildings for around 2,500 pupils; Community Facilities; Indoor and Outdoor Sports pitches and facilities; Plant, Renewable Energy and Utilities Infrastructure; Public Realm; Drainage and SUDS; Landscape; Boundary treatments and Security; Open Space; Footbridge; Access; Pick-up and Drop-off; Car Parking; Wayfinding and Signage; Demolition of existing buildings and structures.
Site Address
Broomfield Sports Ground, KA181RS Cumnock Academy, KA181EH Underwood Depot, KA181RS
Further information on the proposed development will be available at the following Public Exhibitions between 3pm - 8pm:
Tuesday 20th September - Boswell Centre, Well Road, Auchinleck, KA18 2LA
Wednesday 21 st September - Cumnock Academy Conference Suite, Ayr Rd, Cumnock KA181EH
Any persons wishing to make comments on the proposals or obtain further information may do so at one of the above exhibitions and/or in writing to Gordon Thomson, Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners, 101 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3ES or
Comments should be submitted to the prospective applicant at the address above no later than 30th September 2016.
Please note, any comments made on these proposals are to the prospective applicant only and do not constitute formal representations to a planning application. If a planning application is submitted there will bean opportunity to make formal representations on that application to East Ayrshire Council at the time._